Tuesday, 16 October 2018

The morpork is a well known native New zealand bird. They are nocturnal birds. They are an owl and their colours are mainly a mixture of brown, black, and they have white spots on the feathers.

Their habitats are tree hollows and caves. Sometimes they are spotted at nighttime around street lights. The reason why the are called morpork is because when the Europeans came to New Zealand the found that there was a bird shouting morpork. So they named the bird morpork and when the Māori came they named the bird

They are known for being really good hunters. The main food they eat is weta, moths and other small insects. One reason they are good at hunting is because they can fly without making a sound because they have soft edges on their wings so they can creep up on their prey.

Morpork are also known for excellent eyesight and hearing. They can hear other animals  from kilometers away. One ear is a tiny bit higher than the other which helps them track where the noise is coming from a lot easier than say a tui.These birds are very intelligent and amazing!       By Nevey