Friday, 15 November 2019

Toki Pounamu Film Festival

On the 14th of November our Karoro senior school went to the Toki Pounamu Film Festival. 

My favourite film was from Saint Pats school called the Greymouth Song. The song was very creative and I
could tell they put a lot of effort into it because of the detail.
I loved their use of words and their pictures. 

The video was fun and catchy as well as being very educational about why Greymouth is so cool.
One thing they could work on is maybe showing a different variety of clips because there was a lot of repetitive
clips and photos graphs which dragged on a bit. 

The sound quality was pretty good. I could hear the song pretty clearly.
They did not have any special effects but overall it was a great film. 

Each group in the Toki Pounamu  cluster entered. It was great to see everyone’s films, t
hey were detailed and everyone put heaps of effort into entering the films. Next time I think the 
Toki Pounamu cluster should do this more often because it brings all the Greymouth school together.
The Toki Pounamu Film
Festival was a great event.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Korero O Te Wiki

WALT: Pronounce simple maori phases.
He kuri taku mokai. My pet is a dog.
He ngeru taku mokai. My pet is a cat.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Friday, 5 April 2019

  Rendered Image

The William pike challenge beach cookout

Who. Room 1 and 8 along with the parents and teachers. Mrs glue was the supervisor of me Mackenzie,zac,Nathan. We were cooking steak and pancakes. We were at Karoro beach near Watson creak. We made the fire with tinder,kindling and rocks around the outside. We then cooked the steak and pancakes on a pan on the hot embers of the fire.  When. 3rd of April 2019 Wednesday.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Vocabulary for Statistics

Quantitative data
is data using numbers and that can be discrete (can be counted)  In other words Quantitative data is numerical. Eg length, mass and speed
Distribution is the frequency of data.  It is usually a table that shows you how many of each type of data.

Qualitative data is not using numbers it may be colour, shape, animals
Secondary data
Is once data is sorted and analysed.
Discrete Data
Data that can be categorized,counted into a classification. Discrete data is based on counts in whole numbers
Primary data
Is information that you collect specifically for the reason of your research project.  Data m by a student for their research project. It hasn’t been analysed
Nominal data  information that cannot be placed in numerical order
Ordinal data
Can be put in numerical order

Types of Data
Methods of Collecting Data

Bias An influence that might prevent the data from being collected fairly.  Eg determining the best rugby team might be influenced by where the data was collected from.  Eg All Blacks in NZ
Observation watching, taking notes and recording data
Survey A data collection tool or list of questions that are used to collect more information for statistical investigations. It is a form that has many different questions about a certain topic or it could be on digital forms.
Pilot survey is a survey that you send out to a small amount of people to figure out something before you send out a bigger survey.
Census It is when information about every member of the population is collected. The disadvantage of census is that if the population is too big, it can be difficult to collect and use.
Interview is where you verbally ask question about a topic.  
A Questionnaire is a quiz used to find out information. A questionnaire consists of a series of questions. It is typed by the person who wants to know the information about the topic, and the questionnaire is sent to a hand full of people, for them to answer.  
Data Logging Is A computer that record data. Data is collected by sensors attached to the computer.

Recording Data
Averages is a single value that is used to represent a collection of data.  Three commonly used types of average are mode, median and mean

Data List Writing down each item as it occurs.  This list will need sorting before any accurate conclusions can be drawn
Tally Chart method of recording data using one stroke called a tally, to represent each item counted.  Each group of five tallies is arrange which makes it easier to count the groups
Frequency Table a chart showing the numbers of times an event or value occurs (the frequency.  A complete list of frequencies is called a frequency distribution.
Mode  the value or values that occur most often in a distribution.   
Median the middle value of a distribution that is arrange in size order.
Mean a measure of the general size of the data.  To find the mean, use the rule.
Mean =   (sum of values)
             Number of values
Range is the difference between the highest and lowest values.  
Range = highest value - lowest value.
Quartile Lower quartile.  The value that lies one quarter of the way through the distribution.  Upper quartile. The value that lies three quarters of the way through the distribution.

Mahinga Kai

In room 1 I have been reading about mahinga kai and about Karl and how he lives of the land. Apparently karl states that The reason why the rivers aren't as big as they used to be is because the farm irrigators Are sucking them dry. Karl is sad because their is not much fish because of this.