Friday, 15 November 2019

Toki Pounamu Film Festival

On the 14th of November our Karoro senior school went to the Toki Pounamu Film Festival. 

My favourite film was from Saint Pats school called the Greymouth Song. The song was very creative and I
could tell they put a lot of effort into it because of the detail.
I loved their use of words and their pictures. 

The video was fun and catchy as well as being very educational about why Greymouth is so cool.
One thing they could work on is maybe showing a different variety of clips because there was a lot of repetitive
clips and photos graphs which dragged on a bit. 

The sound quality was pretty good. I could hear the song pretty clearly.
They did not have any special effects but overall it was a great film. 

Each group in the Toki Pounamu  cluster entered. It was great to see everyone’s films, t
hey were detailed and everyone put heaps of effort into entering the films. Next time I think the 
Toki Pounamu cluster should do this more often because it brings all the Greymouth school together.
The Toki Pounamu Film
Festival was a great event.