Thursday, 13 August 2020

Ski Trip

 Ski Trip

Health and Physical Education Level 4 

WALT access and use information to make and action safe choices in a range of contexts.

WALT demonstrates willingness to accept challenges, learn new skills, and extend abilities in movement-related activities.

WALT specify individual responsibilities and to take collective action for the care and safety of others in the school and in the wider community.

Success Criteria: 

  • I will discuss and demonstrate my understanding of the Skier’s Code of Conduct in pre-ski discussion and through my actions on the ski field… making responsible and appropriate choices throughout Ski Day.

  • I will undertake ski/snowboard lessons suitable for my skill level, seeking to improve my technique and control.

  •  I will be correctly equipped for my participation in Ski Day.

  • I will create a response to the ski trip to share my new learning.

Porters code of conduct Code of conduct:
People below you have the right of way:
Obey all ski area signage:

Look before you leap:`

Stop where you can be seen:
Don't lose what you use:
   Stay in control - This was the main focus we worked on because it's the hardest thing to do when you're new to learning skiing and snowb=oarding. This was our main focus because as soon as you can stay in control you have done the hardest part.
Stay on the scene 

In my ski lesson at porter heights it was really fun and I learnt a lot of new valuable skills and rules that i didn't know before. It was a great day and everyone had a really good time. I made it to the intermediate slope which I didn't think I would and smashed through the fence a couple of times before I got the hang of it.

In my snowboarding class it was really good and I learned a lot in the short time that we were in a lesson.  It was only me and Tyler in a lesson with the snowboarding instructor. I picked it up quite fast and I got onto the second slope quickly because the snowboarding instructor said that we were good enough to try the harder slope. By the end of the day I was really sore but had improved so much.

What should you bring? Bring ski pants, thermals and polypro tops, a warm hat, good sunglasses and a bike helmet if you're not hiring a ski helmet. we used everything we listed . Bring a big lunch with lots of sugar trets to keep your energy up!

One thing we found funny was watching all of the people fall over, we know they were only learning but sometimes it's quite funny seeing everybody fall over each other. We  also found ourselves falling over quite funny, one time Lily did a full back roly poly and then I got straight up.             

Wednesday, 5 August 2020


This was a graphic book about dragons and things its weird it doesn't really have a story line. The pictures were illustrated well though.


I read this book it was about this family in auckland that had their summer holiday planned out but then her dad decided to pack up and protest at bastion point auckland. She wanted to spend time training her horse.

This book was written by Tania Roxbrorogh

Monday, 3 August 2020


This was a fiction book about two teenagers that found stolen artifacts and gave them back to their owners for price. Then they get hired to rescue a girl but they get scared cause their is other people looking for her to. This book  was published by pan australia. I didn't like it btw(:

Magazine Reading

Today I read a magazine. The magazine was called creative and it was about pieces of work children from the west coast of New zealand. I had read three articles and my favorite one was a poem called “new beginnings” . It was about nature and describing it.poem by Kate Ditablan