Thursday 27 October 2016

My Magic box poem


  1. Hi Nevaeh. Nice magic box poem. I really like the bit about the perfume. Next time you could use more interesting words.From Brighid.

    1. Hi Brighid, Nevey here. Thanks for your helpfull comment. Next
      time I will use more interesting words. Thanks from Nevey.

  2. Well done Nevey. I think you did very well. I like the bit were you said about, "A soft marshmallow melting in my mouth with chocolate on it." It sounds like it is yummy. Did you enjoy making it? Keep up the good work Nevey.

  3. Hi Nevey,
    I like your writing about what you would put in a box. It's so cool. But one thing… I hate snakes! Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! I'm not saying take it out but just that I don’t like snakes. Marshmallows, cherries! Yum yum, mmmm-mmmm. That tells me that you like that stuff.
    Next time, you could spread your pictures out more.
    I like your writing.

  4. Very descriptive Babycake!! Well done. Mum xx


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